War Room

Conversations That Matter

Preparation. Strategy. Fight

War Room:  Episode 1.

What is War Room and how we Contend for the Faith.


  1. Discuss how scripture defines our enemy:

John 8:44,

2 Cor 11:14,

Acts 13:10,

1 Thess. 3:5. 

 Revelations 12:10

1 Peter 5:8

As a group find more scripture that defines the enemy.

2. Discuss what tactics he uses.

 Write them down and then as a group, add more that come to mind

3. How are we to defend against the enemy?

Discuss his tactics and share how you see Him moving

James 4:17

Ephesian 6:10-18

4. Discuss what it means when Jesus says "I have overcome the world"

As group PRAY together.


questions? 518-657-9218

Director ajohns@fca.org

Guys. Faith is a journey and it's not for the weak.  It's insanely hard to go against the grain, but it's super cool to find athletes, coaches and well "guys guys" who are willing to journey with you. 

Most guys feel like they are alone in their pursuit of Jesus and many guys are beginning to wonder if it's even worth it.  So, I guess that is what we are going to tackle.  Is this pursuit of our faith worthy of our time and attention even worth it?  So join a group of elite athletes from around the region to figure this out and maybe.... it's worth it after all.

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