Season 3

Season 3

Samantha, Albany NY; Chasing after Everything but Jesus.

 Drinking, people pleasing, toxic relationships, new age and careers all landed her with heartbreak...Then Jesus.

Questions to ponder for your BRAVE huddle:

  1. What are some thing Samantha chased after? Why didn't they work?
  2. Sin can be fun for a season, discuss how and why that is?
  3. What is the eventual result of pursuing less than God's purpose for your life ?
  4. What makes it hard to surrender your life to Jesus?

What does it mean to BRAVE:

Philippians 3:12 &13

Romans 14:19

2 Timothy 2:22

1 Timothy 6:12

Obedience to Jesus IS an Adventure.

From Oneonta, NY to Kenya with Jenna

Questions to ponder for your BRAVE huddle:

  1. What does investing in time with Lord look like? Discuss ways this can be done

    2.  How does God confirm a calling ? (3 ways )

    3.   How can we choose to be uncomfortable in a way that allows us to lean Jesus intentionally

    4.  Talk about the tension of desiring to surrender Jesus and still wanting control.  How does that relate to work? sports? family?

Discuss what it means to be BRAVE - what next things scares you?

Read Joshua 1:9

Read Ezra 10:4

Read Matthew 6:5-15

Praying this prayer (if you dare) "What does God want me to know? What does He want me to do next? "

Alisabeth : Being A Christian & Not Being Perfect while Growing in Her Own Faith

Questions to Ponder for BRAVE Huddle

  1. When you hear the words "Mission Field" - what does that mean?
  2. What is a struggle you face that keeps you for serving Jesus ?
  3. Have you ever seriously considered generous giving? What comes to mind?
  4. What keeps us comfortable in the United States that prevents us from experiencing God more intimately?
  5. Let's say you aren't going to Africa anytime soon, how can you minister in your community tomorrow?

Discuss what it Means to Be BRAVE : what make it hard to give or step out in faith


Acts 20:35

Luke 6:38

Matthew 10:42

1 John 3:17

Proverbs 3:5-6

Prayer (Ask God to show you needs around you that you can answer. Pray for God to show you where you are a fearful instead of faithful)

Georgia, Ithaca NY:  How a post-it note opened her eyes to Jesus; and using Instagram as her platform for sharing truth

Questions to ponder for BRAVE huddle

  1. What simple gesture, like a post-it note, to show Jesus?
  2. Discuss obedience versus results (which one are you responsible for and why)
  3. Why is it sometimes easier to just keep to ourselves? Why is this not what God has for us?
  4. What can earning people's love look like and what does God say about please people?
  5. Does your performance in a certain area determine your worth day in and day out?
  6. How can you use your social media to share Jesus?

Discuss what it means to be BRAVE in one act of obedience.

Read and discuss:

Galatians 1:10

Thessalonians 2:4

Roman 3:22

Matthew 12:36

Avery: Lynchburg, VA... Staying Faithful in High School, Getting recruited BY LU and dealing with trash talk

Questions to ponder for BRAVE huddle

1. How can use sports as  worship?

2. What are some tactics the enemy uses to discourage or destroy identity

3. Have you ever experience gossip or trash talk and how did you deal with it?

4. How do you view your opportunities God has given you? How can use them to glorify God?

5.  Mentoring is biblical, who in your life could you mentor in their faith walk as well as life?

6. What is your foundation?

Discuss what it means to be BRAVE in to making your foundation in Christ?

Psalms 119:35

2 Thess. 3:5

Psalms 139: 14

1 Timothy 6:19

Matthew 7:24-27

Kiera, Canada:  The dread of finding out she was pregnant and how God showed up in the darkest hour

Questions to ponder for BRAVE huddle

  1. Where does shame come from and how do you deal when shameful thoughts enter your mind?
  2. What is something you truly wrestle with in your faith?
  3. How important is it to speak truth and have a community to support you in your hard things?
  4. Can you look at time in your life where you felt God was far away, but now you see how he was working?
  5. Can you trust God's plan for your life? Why or why not?
  6. Choice verses feelings: discuss what that means and why it is important in our faith.

Discuss what it means to be BRAVE in to making your foundation in Christ?

Jeremiah 29:11

Matthew 6:33&34

Luke 1:37

James 1:6

John 20:27

Heather : Can you pursue fierce fitness and without it becoming an idol while raising an elite athlete to do the same?

Questions to ponder for BRAVE huddle

  1. What does it mean that your body is "a temple"?
  2. How does faith and fitness actually work together to  glorify God?
  3. What is your purpose in pursuing fitness?
  4. Where does the enemy warp our sense of needing to be fit?
  5. How has social media information given you a false sense of fitness knowledge?
  6. How can you change your focus in your fitness journey to bring you closer in your faith walk?

Discuss what it means to be BRAVE in your fitness journey? 

Proverbs 31:18

Proverbs 31:17

I Timothy 4:8

1 Corinthians 6:20

1 Corinthians 6:19

Carleylynn, Canada: How the search for something more, led her to Jesus

* Carleylynn's story is amazing.  We do discuss the struggle with lust, pregnancy and abortion as these are all part of her redemption story.  With a background in the pro sports, Carleylynn has recently found herself on a new path working with athletes, addiction and public speaking as she shares her testimony with us. After a brief stint in another country, she found herself pregnant and running from Jesus. 

Questions to ponder for BRAVE huddle

  1. If you grow up in a Christian home, how do you make your faith your own?
  2. Do you ever feel alone in your walk with Jesus?
  3. You know what the Bible says, but do you know WHY the Bible says certain things.? Explain
  4. Do God's "rules" seem stupid?  why?
  5. Is it easy to justify "dabbling" in sin? Why?
  6. What does repentance and redemption mean?
  7. What does it mean to claim victory in Jesus?

Discuss what it means to be BRAVE in your fitness journey?

  1. 1 Corinthians 15:57
  2. Psalms 44:6
  3. Psalms 119:98
  4. Psalms 119:12
  5. Luke 5:32
  6. Ephesians 1:7

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