Some studies have estimated as many as 94% of athletes in weight-dependent sports engage in extreme weight control methods prior to competition.-Athlete Edge
Line up includes:
Linda Steinhardt - Athlete Edge
Kate Fisch - LCSW, CEDS
Associate Vice President of Clinical Operations, Odyssey Eating Disorder Network
Liesel Maddox, RDN, LD - Liesel Maddox Nutrition
Gretchen Badger - Survivor
It's been a couple of years since we added to this resources and we are excited to do it again! We are interviewing some of the top specialist in the country and as well as a survivor who is still navigating her world with an eating disorder.
Throughout the series we will tackle:
Why is ED so hard to detect?
What does an ED look like?
Are athletes more susceptible to ED?
Why in-patient treatment might be necessary
The perfect storm for an ED
Faith, ED and the The Church
We will be hosting the interview on our podcast throughout NEDA Week. Feb 24-March 2. If you want the resources and interview emailed to you directly please sign up here:
6 session video series
This series is meant to educate coaches and athletes on the pervasiveness of eating disorders. The NCAA estimates almost 1/3 of it's division 1 athletes have some sort of disordered eating challenge. This is a full scale series to tie in tools and theology to one of the most prominent issues facing our athletes today.
How do you know if you or your friend has an eating disorder?
Is an eating disorder sinful?
When did body shame even become a thing?
Dr. Alisa Shanks and FINDINGbalance director Chrissy Kirkman dive right into some hard questions and amazing freedom that can be found in Jesus. Listen here!
Or watch on our YouTube channel here
REAL LIFE with GRACE : Listen in on Grace's struggle and journey with food, eating and identity as she tries to navigate her eating disorder.